
Prepping For A Chemical Peel

Chemical peels are a proven way to improve the appearance and texture of skin of all ages. A carefully combined formula of rejuvenating acids exfoliate the superficial layers of the skin, while also stimulating the rapid growth of new skin cells to provide immediate and lasting results.

Chemical peels can effectively address everything from fine lines, acne and scarring on the face, back, chest and arms, by increasing moisture production, reducing discoloration from sun exposure and improving overall tone, texture and clarity.

These popular treatments vary in intensity, so it is important to prepare and plan a bit before having one done.

Consult with your Aesthetician

While chemical peels are appropriate for just about every skin type, including the most sensitive skin, they are not one size fits all. Customization is important to get the results you want.

Lactic, glycolic, salicylic and trichloroacetic acids, among others, vary greatly in strength and provide different benefits to the skin. Lighter peels offer immediate brightening and improved tone with no downtime, while stronger acids can spot treat deeper acne scars and wrinkles but may result in skin flaking and shedding.

Your professional aesthetician can thoroughly evaluate your current skin condition, as well as your skin care goals, to formulate just the right chemical formulation for you.

Look at Your Calendar

While you will most certainly notice and love the results of your chemical peel, certain peels will result in flaking and shedding of the

top layer of skin that may be more or less than you expect. It’s best to schedule more intense peels when they don’t coincide with big events or special occasions — even big work presentations — so your skin has at least mostly shed its flakiest layer. Your aesthetician can prepare you for what to expect with the peel you select.

Prep Your Skin

To maximize the benefits of your chemical peel and avoid additional irritation, it’s best to baby your skin in the 5-7 days prior to your treatment. This includes avoiding sun exposure by wearing sunscreen or a wide-brimmed hat when outdoors and temporarily eliminating all at-home manual and product exfoliation efforts, including anti-aging serums and creams.

Wearing less makeup and increasing hydration can also be extremely helpful, especially on the day of your peel.

This not only starts the detox process in the skin, it provides an extra clean, less-damaged starting place for your aesthetician, which can positively affect how your skin tolerates the peel.

Chemical peels in combination with quality skin care products offer dramatic results both immediately and over time, and a little bit of prep and planning can ensure you get maximum and lasting benefits.

If you already have a Kalologie MedSpa Austin aesthetician who knows your skin condition and skin care goals, call today to schedule a treatment. If not, set up an appointment for consultation and evaluation so we can formulate a peel specifically for you.